Vedic Mathematics VS Traditional Methods

Vedic Mathematics makes mathematics more easy and fun to learn compared to the traditional methods we learn and use in our life. The traditional methods are more complex and difficult to use and apply and thus most of us starts hating Maths. With this methods and tricks, You can solve difficult maths calculations, mentally and instantantly figure out the right answer to the sum, which you were used to calculate with paper or a calculator. You will find that soon you'll start using this methods in your general life and make its Optimum use. I have tried to make all the illustrations easy to understand with help of examples and some self-exercise too..
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About Me

Hi, I'm Abhishek Sarda and I occasionally write on "Easy Vedic Maths"(my Blog), to share some knowledge about the less popular, yet powerful topic "Vedic maths".
I am not an expert in this topic, yet I do have some great points to share here.
I find many resources online to learn about the topic, but many of them are a little complicated to understand at the first go, so this was just a try to simplify things.
Vedic maths covers 16 sutras (or principles), each one is not explained here, but I will soon come out with more tutorials on them. This site is not strictly confined to Vedic Maths, it has some general mathematical stuffs to learn that can be applied in general life to calculate things faster.

You can contact me @ Facebook.

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Here at Easy Vedic Maths - We aim to provide Vedic Mathematics exercises and useful mathematical tricks  and assist the exercises with illustrations and self-exercises.   The only contribution we seek from our readers is to Bookmark our site to make people aware of this blog.
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