Squaring of a number ending with 5
After you read this article , you would be able to find the answers to the square of numbers ending with 5, almost instantly and mentally.
For example , you squares of 35 , 75 , 95 , 105 etc.
Here's how to do it,
Imagine in mind the number, suppose 35 in your mind to be of two parts "3" and "5" ( If it is difficult for you to imagine , write it at a piece of paper )
Now, multiply the first part of the number with a number that is one ( 1 ) greater than it ( Here, "3" is to be multiplied with "4" as 3 + 1 = 4 ) , this will be the first part of your final answer.
Here, 3 x 4 = 12 , so , 12 will be the first part of your final answer.
Next we know 52=25 , so 25 will be the next part of your final answer.