Vedic Mathematics VS Traditional Methods

Vedic Mathematics makes mathematics more easy and fun to learn compared to the traditional methods we learn and use in our life. The traditional methods are more complex and difficult to use and apply and thus most of us starts hating Maths. With this methods and tricks, You can solve difficult maths calculations, mentally and instantantly figure out the right answer to the sum, which you were used to calculate with paper or a calculator. You will find that soon you'll start using this methods in your general life and make its Optimum use. I have tried to make all the illustrations easy to understand with help of examples and some self-exercise too..
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Squaring of a number ending with 5

After you read this article , you would be able to find the answers to the square of numbers ending with 5, almost instantly and mentally.
For example , you squares of 35 , 75 , 95 , 105 etc.
Here's how to do it,

Imagine in mind the number, suppose 35 in your mind to be of two parts "3" and "5" ( If it is difficult for you to imagine , write it at a piece of paper )
Now, multiply the first part of the number with a number that is one ( 1 ) greater than it ( Here, "3" is to be multiplied with "4" as 3 + 1 = 4 ) , this will be the first part of your final answer.
Here, 3 x 4 = 12 , so , 12 will be the first part of your final answer.
Next we know 52=25 , so 25 will be the next part of your final answer.

SO, your final answer becomes 1225 .
952= ( 9 x 10 becomes the first part, and 25 becomes the next part )
= ( 90 , 25 ) [In the above step "9" is multiplied with "10" since 9 + 1 = 10 ]
= 9025 [ Final answer ]

Taking another example,

1052= ( 10 x 11 becomes the first part, and 25 becomes the next part )
[ Note : The first part will always be the number(s) except 5 ]
1052=( 110 becomes the first part, and 25 becomes the next part )
= 11025 [Final answer ]


a) 552= ??
b) 652= ??
c) 1252= ??
d) 2052= ??


picman February 20, 2009 at 7:22 AM  

Cool.I never knew this.Thanks.

Anonymous,  November 22, 2011 at 12:09 AM  

thanks for explanation its so easy to understand

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